Gurmeet is an avid environmentalist and eco-traveler. A volunteer with several Sikh advocacy organizations, she is also mother of the young peace activist and filmmaker, Angad Singh.
The Sikh Review: 60 Years of Yeoman Service by GURMEET KAUR
The Sikh Review was conceived by an extraordinary group of
gursikhs in a post World War II study circle which drew inspiration from
writer, editor and publisher, Raghbir Singh Bir.
A Mother's Blessing Translated from Gurbani by GURMEET KAUR
May the Guru by his grace/ Bestow upon you:/ The kinship of saintly souls/ A swaddle of honour/ The sustenance of adoration/ Each and every day ..."
Time for Action: The Case of Prof. Devinderpal Singh Bhullar by GURMEET KAUR
I am reminded of the lyrics from the "Song of the Khalsa" that is sung by our children at many a gurdwara: "... When things are down and darkest - That's when we stand tallest ..."
Judicial Murder: The Case of Devinderpal Singh Bhullar by GURMEET KAUR
The sole evidence against him was a "confession" extracted under torture, while in police custody. Every norm and judicial precedent has been broken to clear the way for his execution.
1984 & I:
It's June Again ... A Poem by GURMEET KAUR
This June, the 27th one after 1984, brings back painful memories of Indira Gandhi's crimes.
Ik Chota Bacha & Other Sikh Nursery Rhymes CD & Book Review by GURMEET KAUR
It joins the children’s
treasure-chest of inspiring and innovative media resources with a strong
Sikh message - the first in its class of nursery rhymes in Punjabi.
Who Will You Call?
Mummy, Of Course! by GURMEET KAUR
I have
learnt a lot from my mother. Such as, how to
make things right. It's okay to make mistakes as long as you have the
character and courage to mend them.
The Month of Vaisakh [April 14 - May 14] Poems by GURMEET KAUR
"Vaisakh: Surrender the head/ Release the ego/ Soak the Shabad/ Drench in Naam/ Answer the call ..."
The Month of Chet
[March 14 - April 13] Poems translated from Punjabi by GURMEET KAUR
Spring exuberates/ Forest flowers/ Bees hum/ I too shall blossom/ My love/ If/ You'd come/ Without you/ My beloved/ What comfort?
The Month of Poh
[December 14 - January 13] Poems translated from Punjabi by GURMEET KAUR
Frost saps ... Forests and meadows ... Body and mind... Blight ... Without you, my love ... Why won't you alight?...