Sikhing Answers
These are the most recent articles featured in the Sikhing Answers section. For more information about having your event or gallery featured here, please contact us.
Why do we Invite the Sangat to a Funeral Bhog?
Sikhing Answers - XXX
Is it necessary to invite the 'world' to a funeral bhog? Why do we have such a large sangat at a funeral? Why can't it be private? Shouldn't it be private?
What Are The Sikh Rites Relating To Death?
Sikhing Answers - XXIX
Is cremation the only oprion? Is burial permitted under any circumstances? Is there a recommended protocol relating to last rites?
As A Sikh, Who Do I Pray To?
Sikhing Answers - XXVIII
Who am I praying to when I am alone in bed, for example? Or when I am in the gurdwara. Or at home with my family, doing an ardaas.
Why Did Sikhs Side With The British During The 1857 Mutiny?
Sikhing Answers - XXVII
Why did Punjab's Sikhs side with the British in quelling the 1857 Mutiny? How did that event relate to the annexation of Punjab a mere 8 years earlier?
How Do You Address Each Of Your Relatives?
Sikhing Answers - XXVI
Punjabi, unlike most other languages, is rich in the variety of
monikers it has for relatives, each variation depending on the precise
configuration of the relationship.
What Do You Call Your Mother & Your Father?
Question # XXV
How do you address them? And your grandparents? Publicly? Privately? Pita ji? Biji? Dar ji?
What Is Akhand Paatth?
Sikhing Answers - XXIV
How do you do it properly? What should you not be doing if doing akhand paatth? What is its purpose, its benefits? When should it be done? By whom? Where?
What Is A Siropa?
Sikhing Answers - XXIII
We often honour, inter alia, those who do exemplary seva by bestowing a siropa on an individual, during a gurdwara service, in the presence of the sangat.
Should We Have Images Of The Gurus At Home Or Elsewhere?
Sikhing Answers - XXII
Is it okay to have pictures of our Gurus around at home, or elsewhere, such as at work, etc? If we do, how should we handle these objects, or behave towards them?
Why The Five Initial Servings of Karrah Parshad?
Sikhing Answers - XXI
Traditionally, at the conclusion of a gurdwara service, the Bhai Sahib or Bibi ji serving the parshad first serves 5 men and/or women, before serving the overall sangat.