Our Heroes
These are the most recent articles featured in the Our Heroes section. For more information about having your event or gallery featured here, please contact us.
Lt Brian Murphy, Selected The Chic Sikh of 2012, Responds Lieutenant BRIAN MURPHY
"I was only doing my job ..."
The Chic Sikh of the Year 2012:
Lt Brian Murphy of the Oak Creek Police Force
Lt Murphy confronted the killer who then riddled him with 15 bullets.
Amrita Shergill:
The Great Painter of Modern India
She was already painting at the age of five.
Huffington Post Religion's Person of The Year HUFFINGTON POST
She's "the person we admired most
in the last year ..."
A Diamond in the Dust:
Saran Singh
WEDNESDAY, JULY 4, 2012: A single act on their part recently has touched me deeply because it is
right, it is good, it is timely, it is appropriate … it is well-thought
out and well-executed.
President Obama Honours Sikh-American Trail-Blazer ASHISH KUMAR SEN
“... [O]nce Dalip earned his own
citizenship, he stepped up to serve the country he loved - and became the
first Asian-American elected to the Congress,” Obama said.
10 Sikh Women You Should Know And Why You Should Know Them by VALARIE KAUR
A new generation of Sikh women has emerged as lawyers,
artists, entrepreneurs, doctors, filmmakers and more. They have found
brave new ways to defend their communities ...
Fauja Singh:
The Chic Sikh of 2011
We at sikhchic.com take great pride and pleasure in naming, with the assistance and guidance of our readership and our selection panel, this extraordinary human being as the Chic Sikh of 2011.
Singa, The Lion of Malaya:
Sardar Gurchan Singh
is the story of the Malayan Resistance against Japanese occupation during WWII - a movement created, organised and led by
Gurchan Singh, a Sikh detective in the Malayan Police Force.
Ruined It For Me by T. SHER SINGH
The first thing I ever heard by him was the multi-faith invocation that
has now become his trade-mark - wherein he beautifully, accurately and
respectfully renders the credal chants from the world’s major religions.