These are the most recent articles featured in the Humour section. For more information about having your event or gallery featured here, please contact us.
Incredible India! PRESS TRUST OF INDIA
The Shiv Sena - a right-wing Hindu terrorist organiztion - is seeking compensation for Hindus killed in the 1984 anti-Sikh pogroms, which was conducted by Hindus!
Wisdom Comes With Age Two Jokes Contributed by SANGAT SINGH
Traditional Sikh/ Punjabi jokes to prove the adage! Once upon a time, there were two sardars, a frog, a charkha and a bull ...
Oh, Ye of Little Faith by SMRUTI KOPPKAR
Devotees of Hindu India's most famous deity/ idol are not taking any chances ... in case the idol is unable to protect itself from and destroy obstacles!
Maybe It's Time To Pull The Plug? THE TIMES OF INDIA
The Punjab Government has announced that a cow protection cell will be set up in the office of the Director General of Police.
Bharat Bandh: India's Favourite Festival by TRIPTI LAHIRI
"Sat n Sunday wer weekend, I dint work. Yesterday was labor day, so I dint work. Today is Bharat Bandh, shud I? INDIA IS Gr8".
Never Give Up! Try, Try Again ... by CHOE SANG-HUN
She failed her driver's test hundreds of times but never gave up. Finally, she got her license - on her 960th try.
SÄre JahÄn Se AchhÄ HindustÄn HamÄrÄ by MEHUL SRIVASTAVA
In a nation where 665 million Indians defecate in public (UNICEF), toilet paper was charged at $80 per roll for the Games!
Thou Art Behind In Thy Mortgage Payments by CHRIS VOGEL
Isn't this the very same state in the U.S.A. which has ordered the demolition of a new gurdwara? George W.'s state?
The Horse's Patoot: From Nero to George W by Dr. Llyod Pfaff Pffeferson
And you thought being a horse's backside wasn't important? Here's its whole history - in a nutshell! You be the judge ...
Till Truth Do Us Part:
India's Latest Enterprise
A new business flourishes in a corruption ridden India: Truth Labs. For $100, you can find out whether your spouse is lying!