Ek Ong Kaar is a writer, a minister of Sikh Dharma and a teacher of Kundalini Yoga, living in New Mexico, USA. She is a business and communications consultant for business owners, groups and individuals.
Sat Sangat:
Letters From Espanola EK ONG KAAR KAUR
Why do we do it? Why do we try? The meditation, the bana, the discipline.
Have We Benefited From Our Gift of Prosperity?
Letters From Espanola EK ONG KAAR KAUR
Food, company, opportunity, and stability. All of that has come as a gift ...
If You Wish a True Caliphate:
An Open Poem to Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi EK ONG KAAR KAUR
"For Heaven to descend to earth. / For the True Caliphate to exist ..."
The Bug in The Rug:
Letters From Espanola EK ONG KAAR KAUR
I have made peace with the bugs that show up every summer, and have different strategies for different creatures.
Listening To The Land:
Part III -
Letters From Espanola EK ONG KAAR KAUR
As the days and nights pass, we keep playing. We keep learning - evolving and growing ...
Listening To The Land: Part II -
Letters From Espanola EK ONG KAAR KAUR
To the untrained eye it might look like a mess. But to me, it looks like life.
Listening to The Land:
Letters From Espanola EK ONG KAAR KAUR
"It wants the presence of the Guru here," she said. "It wants you to do the translation work here."
I Do Not Have To Know:
Letters from Espanola EK ONG KAAR KAUR
Vaisakhi always gives me a chance to reflect on the Amrit ceremony: what it means to me, and how it has changed my life.
The Pursuit of Perfection:
Letters From Espanola EK ONG KAAR KAUR
There is something in the human psyche that is both mesmerized by and afraid of perfection.
Temple in the Mountains:
Letters from Espanola EK ONG KAAR KAUR
It is part of the process of getting older, I suppose. The body changes. It has a different rhythm ...