Kids Corner

Current Events

These are the most recent articles featured in the Current Events section. For more information about having your event or gallery featured here, please contact us.

The Anatomy Of Lynchings In Today’s India AATISH TASEER

A lynching is a majority’s way of telling a minority population that the law cannot protect it.

Is This What Decent People In India Want?
Hindutva Runs Amock AAKAR PATEL

The act of murdering a citizen and killing an animal are now equal crimes.

A Spotlight On Gurmukhi In This Year’s Mela Phulkari NEWS REPORT

April 6 - 13, 2017, New Delhi

150 Years Of Change:
Canada’s First Prime Minister Meets The Country’s Current Defence Minister ANDREE LAU

"Send me an army of Sikhs …"

The Inmates Take Over The Asylum:
An Unabashed Hindu Extremist Is Now Chief Minister Of India’s Most Populous State MICHAEL SAFI

“It is an important and disturbing moment. It is the fringe moving to the mainstream.”

The Covenant:
Role of Sikh-Britons In Their Nation’s Armed Forces PRASUN SONWALKAR

Formally recognising strong historical and contemporary ties …

Bloomberg Reports India As Worst Emerging Market For Investors,

Leading economist: “India is unattractive for investors at the moment“.


It turns out wrapping a turban around a stranger's head is a real conversation ice-breaker.

A Worrying Ruling From The European Court Of Justice HARDEEP SINGH KOHLI

Might bring hurtling back those days of backward thinking.

India Ranks 122nd In World Happiness Report,
Behind Neighbours Pakistan, Bangla Desh, China, Nepal, Bhutan & Sri Lanka ABHIMANYU KULKARNI

Down 4 notches from 118th last year.

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