Kids Corner


These are the most recent articles featured in the Travel section. For more information about having your event or gallery featured here, please contact us.

Shanghai's Secret Gurdwara by ANJU KAUR

Approx. 100 people, mostly Sikh, but also Sindhi and Hindu, gather there during gurpurabs, and about 30 are there every Sunday.

Sikh Fest in Malacca, Malaysia by SURENDAR KAUR

Don't be surprised if you don't see too many Sikhs in Singapore next weekend. Most of us will be in Malacca from May 20 to 22, 2011 for the Barsi at the Gurdwara Sahib in Malacca.

India: Where Driving Is An Adventure by H. KISHIE SINGH

A bus - headlights on, horn blaring - will have its front bumper a meter away from the car ... In case of a sudden slow down, the bus will make mince meat of the car.

San Jose Celebrates Expanded Gurdwara by LISA FERNANDEZ & MIKE SWIFT

The vibrant scene, timed to coincide with Vaisakhi, was the end to nearly a quarter-century of struggle for the completion of the gurdwara.

A Gurdwara For The 21st Century: Adelaide, Australia by GURMUKH SINGH (U.K.)

The sangat hall rests on a massive rock, reminding one of dhaol dharam - the mythical bull of dharma referred to in Japji Sahib.

Why We Travel by PAUL THEROUX

"Don't go there," the know-it-all, stay-at-home finger wagger says of many a distant place ... in almost every case it was bad advice.

Mela Chiragaa(n) Da - Lahore's Festival of Lights by SHAHAB ANSARI

Maharaja Ranjit Singh once ordered his infantry to dress in basanti and stand on both sides of the road from the Lahore Fort to Shah Hussain' tomb.

Sikh-Kiwis Celebrate Sixth Anniversary of Takanini Gurdwara by HARJINDER SINGH BASIALA

This gurdwara has over 8000 regular attendees visit it over any given weekend, thus again making it the most visited place of worship in the country.

The Old Rural Punjab: Alive and Well Across The Border by SUNIL SETHI

Most reassuring of all was the sweet cadence of the rustic Punjabi dialect spoken in these parts: women are bibi and men are janaab or huzoor.

The Reluctant
Auto-Rickshaw-Wallah by CHARLES ANDERSON

A grimy yellowed white handkerchief is wrapped around his face.The only thing that reveals anything is his eyes - thin, dark, conniving-looking.

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