Eat, O Eat,
O Mother of Mine -
Khaa, Meri Maa
A Video with LIV KAUR
A note from Liv’s mother, Gurmeet Kaur, by way of introduction:
I woke up with a sore throat the other day.
So I decided to skip breakfast and stayed in bed.
My four-year-old, Liv Kaur, observing my predicament, found my behaviour distressing … and responded by quietly sitting down and penning a poem to exhort me to eat, or else I would die, etc.
When I woke up next, it was to this treat … her singing her composition.
In Punjabi.
Here’s my four-year-old writer / singer / best friend.
ENJOY. [Video]
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My Mother, O My Mother,
Eat, please eat, O please eat.
If you don't, how will you have the strength to live?
I don't want you to die
For I love you very very much
O, say which way can I save you?
For I don't have any one else ...
I am not God
Not me
But you,
You are mother, my mother
Only you will stay with me
Eat, my mother, O please eat
Song was written, composed and sung by Liv Kaur. She lives in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, where she attends Kindergarten.
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December 5, 2015
Conversation about this article
1: Jaswinder Singh (Birmingham, United Kingdom), December 05, 2015, 9:52 AM.
Dhan Jan-ni! Blessed the mother who brings forth such progeny!
2: Kiran Kaur (Missouri, USA), December 05, 2015, 10:15 AM.
Ah-h, such love! There's hope for the world ...
3: Harnam Kaur (Chandigarh, Punjab), December 05, 2015, 11:40 AM.
This is achingly sweet ... untouched by the world and so, so pure. May Waheguru bless her. And yes, her parents too.
4: Sangat Singh (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia), December 05, 2015, 5:15 PM.
What an angel! Just imagine what kind of a loving, self-effacing mother she herself would make. Waheguru in His mercy sends His angels with an appropriate name of Liv to keep this solemn tryst. Bless you, little darling, your love is what God is.
5: Harkirat Singh (Belgium), December 05, 2015, 6:03 PM.
From the mouth of babes comes Grace ... and all that is purest, and best, and most beautiful in life. If only we could bottle it and all take a sip from it every morning ... Liv!
6: Sharanpal Kaur (Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada), December 05, 2015, 6:26 PM.
FYI - I've just posted the following as my nomination for The Chic Sikh of The Year 2015 (It says all that I have to say, or can say, about Liv and her magic): I would like to nominate little 4-year-old LIV KAUR of Atlanta, Georgia, USA. [See Video with her on sikhchic.com - "Eat, O Eat, O Mother of Mine - Khaa, Meri Maa".] Not just because she's cute and sweet and inspired and heavenly, but because she represents, in this single act of love, the future of Sikhi and humanity. She captures not only the miracle of Motherhood, but reminds us of the extraordinary and fundamental role a Mother plays in the life of a community. She embodies all that we need to do to deal with our challenges today. She is the promise of a better tomorrow. I can't think of a more Chic Sikh!
7: Purnima (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia), December 05, 2015, 8:29 PM.
Blessed. A daughter is a daughter all her life.
8: Ari Singh (Sofia, Bulgaria), December 06, 2015, 6:43 AM.
Brought tears :)
9: Ajit Singh Batra (Pennsville, New Jersey, USA), December 06, 2015, 3:25 PM.
God has His own way of opening our eyes. In this case it is through sweet little Liv Kaur. Liv tells her mother to get up from bed and eat something to regain energy. This in fact is a true prayer from Liv, which lies in the acceptance of natural law in accordance with the will of God.
10: Gurpreet Singh (Mumbai, India), December 07, 2015, 8:29 AM.
Gursikh mother, Gursikh daughter! The poem/song by Liv really touched my heart. It really depicts the true and innocent love of a child for her mother and this should probably be the best way for a Sikh to have true love for his Lord Almighty.
11: Amardeep Singh (USA), December 09, 2015, 1:02 PM.
Pure innocence ...