She affirms and acknowledges my presence.
She respects me as a being of the Creation.
She responds to my critical mode of inquiry.
She understands me wholly and sings to me of the intricacies of my nature.
She engages me and converses with me in the language of love.
Her words withstand the test of time.
She reminds me constantly of my reason, my desire to live.
And She inspires me to seek within.
She provides for me a medium for introspection.
She nourishes me and fulfills me
She connects me to my soul and
She unites me with my Lover and graces me with solace.
She completes me. She perfects me.
(He)r Name is Gurbani.
For her, I am forever grateful.
To her, I am forever indebted.
ha-o vaari jit sohilai sadaa such ho-e
I am a sacrifice to that Song of Praise which brings eternal peace. (Guru Nanak)
International Women’s Day
March 8, 2015
Conversation about this article
1: Baldev Singh (Bradford, United Kingdom), March 09, 2015, 10:23 PM.
What utter beauty! Sikhism is truly faultless if understood and practiced with purity and love of Gurbani!