The Morning After:
Britain’s Referendum To Leave The European Union
Why I have the eerie feeling
that we are cut-off?
Why I fear the celebrations next door?
The sun will still shine
The trees will still dance
The birds will still sing
There will still be rainbows
like the one I saw last week over my neighbour's house
I love the rainbows
I love the handshakes
I love kisses and hugs
There will still be love
Love never ends
* * * * *
Dr Pritam Singh is Professor of Economics at Oxford Brookes University, Oxford, United Kingdom. He also takes keen interest in Punjabi literature.
June 27, 2016
Conversation about this article
1: Hardev Singh (Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada), June 29, 2016, 12:36 AM.
A disunited, broken Britain. Self inflicted, unintended wounds that will long fester. Go back in history and you see Britain presiding over and carving up nations and nationalities on a map. Britain's folly littered the world with blood-letting, carnage and broken dreams of nationhood.