In Her Own Words:
Rupi Kaur Inspires A New Generation
The women's empowerment movement has grown exponentially since the 1920s. We’re breaking new boundaries and we’re able to voice our deepest thoughts on social media to pave the way for inequality, empowerment, and womanhood.
Canadian-based Insta-poet -- or should I say New York Times Bestselling Author for her book Milk And Honey -- Rupi Kaur has paved the way through rough times in her life and in every woman’s life with the simplest touch of a pen to paper and ever since then has grown to be one of the most recognized poets of today’s generation.
Her poems have opened doors for other aspiring poets and artists because of the intensity.
Her book, separated into four sections, describes the hurting, the loving, the breaking, and the healing she and others have endured in their lifetime which is why I think this book is so widely known and loved.
When asked by 'The Huffington Post' what prompted her to share her writing, Rupi replied, “It seemed more important for me to express solidarity with women going through similar struggles than to continue being that “polite, shy, quiet girl.”
We all know being a woman is hard, sometimes, but to know that other woman are facing almost similar to worse circumstances makes it easier for all of us to stand together and face womanhood together, once and for all.
If you want to read some of Rupi Kaur’s empowering poems, look no further! These poems will have you wanting to start a new revolution.
[Courtesy: Your Tango, Instagram. Edited for sikhchic.com]
September 21, 2016Conversation about this article
1: Ajit Singh Batra (Pennsville, New Jersey, USA), September 22, 2016, 9:00 PM.
The world is a beautiful place to live in and human birth being a splendid gift of God, it is to be cherished for this beautiful living. For such a view of life, woman must be respected and honored. Guru Nanak in Asa di Vaar [GGS:473] says: "The world and society is created by Woman". Guru Nanak brought focus on the unequivocal equality of women and men five centuries ago. In practice, sadly, humanity has a long way to go.