Don't Call me, I Won't Call You
Nobody calls me anymore - and that's just fine. With the exception of immediate family members, who mostly phone to discuss medical symptoms and arrange child care, and the Roundabout Theater fund-raising team, which takes a diabolical delight in phoning me every few weeks at precisely the moment I am tucking in my children, people just don't call.
It's at the point where when the phone does ring - and it's not my mom, dad, husband or baby sitter - my first thought is: "What's happened? What's wrong?" My second thought is: "Isn't it weird to just call like that? Out of the blue? With no e-mailed warning?"
I don't think it's just me. Sure, teenagers gave up the phone call eons ago. But I'm a long way away from my teenage years, back when the key rite of passage was getting a phone in your bedroom or (cue Molly Ringwald gasp) a line of your own.
In the last five years, full-fledged adults have seemingly given up the telephone - land line, mobile, voice mail and all. According to Nielsen Media, even on cellphones, voice spending has been trending downward, with text spending expected to surpass it within three years.
"I literally never use the phone," Jonathan Adler, the interior designer, told me. (Alas, by phone, but it had to be.) "Sometimes I call my mother on the way to work because she'll be happy to chitty chat. But I just can't think of anyone else who'd want to talk to me." Then again, he doesn't want to be called, either. "I've learned not to press ‘ignore' on my cellphone because then people know that you're there."
"I remember when I was growing up, the rule was, ‘Don't call anyone after 10 p.m.,' " Mr. Adler said. "Now the rule is, ‘Don't call anyone. Ever.' "
Phone calls are rude. Intrusive. Awkward.
"Thank you for noticing something that millions of people have failed to notice since the invention of the telephone until just now," Judith Martin, a.k.a. Miss Manners, said by way of opening our phone conversation. "I've been hammering away at this for decades. The telephone has a very rude propensity to interrupt people."
Though the beast has been somewhat tamed by voice mail and caller ID, the phone caller still insists, Ms. Martin explained, "that we should drop whatever we're doing and listen to me."
Even at work, where people once managed to look busy by wearing a headset or constantly parrying calls back and forth via a harried assistant, the offices are silent. The reasons are multifold. Nobody has assistants anymore to handle telecommunications. And in today's nearly door-free workplaces, unless everyone is on the phone, calls are disruptive and, in a tight warren of cubicles, distressingly public. Does anyone want to hear me detail to the dentist the havoc six-year molars have wreaked on my daughter?
"When I walk around the office, nobody is on the phone," said Jonathan Burnham, senior vice president and publisher at HarperCollins.
The nature of the rare business call has also changed. "Phone calls used to be everything: serious, light, heavy, funny," Mr. Burnham said. "But now they tend to be things that are very focused. And almost everyone e-mails first and asks, ‘Is it O.K. if I call?' "
Even in fields where workers of various stripes (publicists, agents, salespeople) traditionally conducted much of their business by phone, hoping to catch a coveted decision-maker off-guard or in a down moment, the phone stays on the hook.
When Matthew Ballast, an executive director for publicity at Grand Central Publishing, began working in book publicity 12 years ago, he would go down his list of people to cold call, then follow up two or three times, also by phone. "I remember five years ago, I had a pad with a list of calls I had to return," he said. Now, he talks by phone two or three times a day.
"You pretty much call people on the phone when you don't understand their e-mail," he said.
Phone call appointments have become common in the workplace. Without them, there's no guarantee your call will be returned. "Only people I've ruthlessly hounded call me back," said Mary Roach, author of "Packing for Mars."
Writers and others who work alone can find the silence isolating. "But if I called my editor and agent every time I wanted to chat, I think they'd say, 'Oh no, Mary Roach is calling again.' So I've pulled back, just like everyone else."
Whereas people once received and made calls with friends on a regular basis, we now coordinate such events via email or text. When college roommates used to call (at least two reunions ago), I would welcome their vaguely familiar voices. Now, were one of them to call on a Tuesday evening, my first reaction would be alarm. Phone calls from anyone other than immediate family tend to signal bad news.
Receiving calls on the cellphone can be a particular annoyance. First, there's the assumption that you're carrying the thing at all times. For those in homes with stairs, the cellphone siren can send a person scrambling up and down flights of steps in desperate pursuit. Having the cellphone in hand doesn't necessarily lessen the burden. After all, someone might actually be using the phone: someone who is in the middle of scrolling through a Facebook photo album. Someone who is playing Cut the Rope. Someone who is in the process of painstakingly touch-tapping an important email.
For the most part, assiduous commenting on a friend's Facebook updates and periodically e-mailing promises to "catch up by phone soon" substitute for actual conversation. With friends who merit face time, arrangements are carried out via electronic transmission.
"We do everything by text and email," said Laurie David, a Hollywood producer and author. "It would be strange at this point to try figuring all that out by phone."
Of course, immediate family members still phone occasionally. "It's useful for catching up on parenting issues with your ex-husband," said David, who used to be married to Larry David, the star of Curb Your Enthusiasm. "Sometimes when you don't want to type it all, it's just easier to talk."
But even sons, husbands and daughters don't always want to chat. In our text-heavy world, mothers report yearning for the sound of their teenage and adult children's voices. "I'm sort of missing the phone," said Lisa Birnbach, author of "True Prep" and mother of three teenagers. "It's warmer and more honest."
That said, her landline "has become a kind of vestigial part of my house like the intercom buttons once used in my pre-war building to contact the 'servants quarters.' " When the phone rings, nine times out of 10, it's her mother.
There are holdouts. Radhika Jones, an assistant managing editor at Time magazine, still has a core group of friends she talks to by phone. "I've always been a big phone hound," she said. "My parents can tell you about the days before call waiting." Yet even she has slipped into new habits: Voice mails from her husband may not get listened to until end of day. Phone messages are returned by email. "At least you're responding!"
But heaven forbid you actually have to listen - especially to voice mail. The standard "let the audience know this person is a loser" scene in movies where the forlorn heroine returns from a night of cat-sitting to an answering machine that bleats "you have no messages" would cause confusion with contemporary viewers. Who doesn't heave a huge sigh of relief to find there's no voice mail? Is it worth punching in a protracted series of codes and passwords to listen to some three-hour-old voice say, "call me" when you could glance at caller ID and return the call - or better yet, email back instead?
Many people don't even know how their voice mail works. "I've lost that skill," Birnbach said.
"I have no idea how to check it," David admitted. "I can stay in a hotel for three days with that little red light blinking and never listen. I figure, if someone needs to reach me, they'll email."
"I don't check these messages often," intoned a discouraging recorded voice, urging callers to try email. And this is the voice-mail recording of Claude S. Fischer, author of a book on the history of the telephone and more recently, "Still Connected: Family and Friends in America Since 1970."
"When the telephone first appeared, there were all kinds of etiquette issues over whom to call and who should answer and how," Fischer, a sociology professor at the University of California at Berkeley, told me when finally reached by phone. Among the upper classes, for example, it was thought that the butler should answer calls. For a long time, inviting a person to dinner by telephone was beyond the pale; later, the rules softened and it was OK to call to ask someone to lunch.
Telephones were first sold exclusively for business purposes and only later as a kind of practical device for the home. Husbands could phone wives when traveling on business, and wives could order their groceries delivered. Almost immediately, however, people began using the telephone for social interactions. "The phone companies tried to stop that for about 30 years because it was considered improper usage," Fischer said.
We may be returning to the phone's original intentions - and impact. "I can tell you exactly the last time someone picked up the phone when I called," Mary Roach said. "It was two months ago and I said: 'Whoa! You answered your phone!' It was a PR person. She said, 'Yeah, I like to answer the phone.' "
Both were startled to be voice-to-voice with another unknown, unseen human being.
[Courtesy: Seattle Times]
March 25, 2011
Conversation about this article
1: Yuktanand Singh (MI, U.S.A.), March 26, 2011, 8:35 PM.
While I text my son to come downstairs and have some soup, I know why Jonathan Burnham's office is so quiet. People are probably too busy keeping up with the Facebook, or planning their evening out, hiding their android from his view, just as some do in my office. Live calls have difficulty getting through the long menu trees that are on the rise, particularly in the government offices, asking you to 'touch or say' your response to a computer. Phone calls waste a lot of time. If you finally get through, no one feels the need to jump and answer the phone. There is the ubiquitous recording to greet you, often asking you to only leave a message. If you hold, you are warned repeatedly that this call may be recorded for 'quality'. Welcome to technology!