Daily Fix
These are the most recent articles featured in the Daily Fix section. For more information about having your event or gallery featured here, please contact us.
Who Owns God? T. SHER SINGH
There is an attempt afoot to make it illegal for a non-Muslim to ever use the word “Allah”, even in piety.
The Kikar Lodge T. SHER SINGH
The very name of the resort evokes a deep emotional response within me.
An Epidemic of Myopia T. SHER SINGH
I must confess I don’t feel like jumping up and down with glee.
Dusting The Web T. SHER SINGH
In today’s world, it is the fount of all information ... and misinformation.
Looking Into the Jaws of Death Valley T. SHER SINGH
The world around us changes colour and shape even as we move through it.
A Maypole Dance:
The Story of sikhchic.com
Dancing in a circle, each holds a coloured ribbon attached to a single pole in the centre.
When Stones Weep T. SHER SINGH
A giant Christ looked down on me from behind the altar ...
Red Letter Day T. SHER SINGH
He then proceeded to hammer our knuckles with the end of the lathi,
each knuckle, each hand, each prisoner."
Battery Charging T. SHER SINGH
Each time I attend his kirtan ... I come back a different man.
An Eye for An Eye T. SHER SINGH
A sordid tale, no matter which side you listen to.