These are the most recent articles featured in the 1984 section. For more information about having your event or gallery featured here, please contact us.
There is A Tide in The Affairs of Men Lord INDARJIT SINGH
"On such a full sea are we now afloat, / And we must take the current when it serves, / Or lose our ventures."
Persistence of Trauma JASPREET SINGH
When I first saw the photograph I felt its silence. Silence filled the whole space.
The Perished and The Saved A Short Story by JASPREET SINGH
“I have already done what the men asked me to do. Now go home,” she repeats. “We are safe.”
1984 Not a Pogrom?
Ask The Survivors
"I saw him change. I saw the brightness in his eyes dim as he saw his new, naked face in the mirror."
First Things First:
As The Rats Abandon the Sinking Ship
"When ruin is imminent, the little rodents move away beforehand."
30 Yrs Later, Independent & Contemporaneous Report on 1984 Pogroms is Still Banned in India AMANINDER PAL SHARMA
The book was immediately banned in Punjab, which was then
under the 'President's Rule'.
Another Sudden Recollection & Confession:
This One by the Top Man from India's Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI)
"Jagdish Tytler had
come to the office, although an accused should not have come without being
Thirty Years Later, Indian Army Officer Finds Courage to Give Eyewitness Account of 1984 Massacre Col. (Retd) BHUPINDER MALHI
"The mob systematically started searching the
compartment and pulling Sikhs out of the train ..."
Thirty Years Later, Daughter of President of India Feels Brave Enough to Disclose Crucial Info About 1984 INDIA TODAY
"His calls were not returned ... lines were getting
disconnected for reasons unknown ..."
Much More to Thatcher Ignominy:
What Secret British Cabinet Documents From Nov 1984 Reveal
"This posed a serious risk. Export contracts worth £5 billion could be at stake."