The Message
Living Sikhi - Lesson Twenty
Lesson Objectives:
1 To review the importance of the truth Guru Nanak brought from Sach Khand, the Realm of Truth.
2 To understand the practice of "social justice".
Teachers, you may facilitate the discussion that follows by preparing a list of examples ahead of time and by researching the ways that Sikh organizations are involved in social justice today around the world, to share with your students.
Ask the students to say the Sikh greeting with you; then fold hands and do simran with the students.
Ask the students to sit in a circle and share the homework examples they wrote of the changes brought about in society by the message Guru Nanak brought back from Sach Khand. Taking one Golden Rule at a time, encourage students to give examples from their own lives, from the gurdwara, and from their country's history. Children should feel free to discuss and elaborate on these points, especially if they know how these ideas were brought to fruition in the formation of the Khalsa Panth - and mention democracy: one person, one vote. Before moving to the next message, ask for an example of how this message is not being practiced.
1 All men and women are Children of God; therefore they are equal.
2 Earn an honest living. Don't cheat, lie or steal.
3 Share with others, especially the poor and weak.
Review the idea of social justice with the students. Have ready your research from the internet or other sources of how Sikhs are involved in causes for justice today.
Discuss with the children ideas of how they themselves can put into practice the Golden Rules Guru Nanak brought back from the Realm of Truth.
Homework: Decide which Golden Rule you are going to put into practice this week and see how you do it.
Shabad: Thaakar Tum Sarnaai Aaya
September 1, 2010