Kids' Corner
The Child
Living Sikhi - Lesson Three
[Stories from Sikh History, Hemkunt Press, pp 9 - 13]
1 To see the child, Nanak, as our role model for generosity and kindness.
2 To understand why we are sometimes selfish and unkind.
3 To learn the words of the simran Guru Nanak taught to his playmates.
4 To learn that God and our souls are a perfect match and that is why we "match" our hands together when we pray.
Teachers, please begin this lesson with simran: "Dhann Nirankar, Sat Kartar".
Or "Sat Naam/ Waheguru".
Read pages 9-13 aloud to the children.
The children in Nanak's day loved sweets. If you could have anything in the world, what would it be? (Pause for answers.) Choose one of the children's answers and follow it. For example, if the child says "10-speed bike", then you ask, "If you had the best ten-speed bike, what would you want then?" Maybe a moped. Then if you got that, maybe a motor-cycle. Then, if you got that, maybe an old car. Then if you got that, maybe a new car, then a sports car, then an airplane, then your own jet, then your own yacht. Is anyone ever satisfied? Most of us always desire something else, something more.(greed) Why is that?
Most people are not looking for the source of all happiness, the one who created everything - God. We are looking for something to fill us, but we don't know what can do that. When we are connected to the source of everything, when we are connected to God, we are always happy, we are contented. Nanak could give away all his sweets and he would still be happy. Why? (Pause for answers)
Why are we sometimes greedy, selfish and unkind? (Pause for answers) Because we think that some thing besides God will make us happy (ignorance). We are afraid (fear) that we may not get what we think will make us happy - new clothes, new toys, and we are jealous(y) of those who have more than us or are mean to those who have less than us (false pride). No "thing" will make us happy for very long. Only God can make us truly happy and contented. God and our souls are a perfect match.
We don't want to be around unhappy, or mean, angry or selfish kids. When someone is truly happy and contented, we want to be around them. That's why Nanak had lots of friends. He taught them by being generous and kind himself. Do you think Nanak can teach us today? How? (Pause for answers)
When we do simran like Nanak, we put our palms together to remind us that God and our souls are a perfect match.
Homework: Complete the study guide for The Child.
Teachers may coordinate with another Punjabi teacher and/or translate some of the underlined words into Punjabi, but at this level, in this class, keep the emphasis on the life of the child and what spiritual lessons the child may put into practice now.
Shabad: Tu mera pitta tu hai mera maata
1 What do we remember when we put our palms together when we pray?
2 When we repeat special words over and over while remembering how Great God is, what is it called in Punjabi?
3 What does "Sat Naam" mean?
4 What does "Waheguru" mean?
5 The boy Nanak was generous with his playmates. Why could he feel content and satisfied even if he did not get a sweet and his friends did?
6 What was the name of the man who owned the village of Talwandi where the baby Nanak was born?
7 What religion did he belong to? In what religion was Guru Nanak born?
8, 9, 10 Nanak had many friends because he was so cheerful, kind and generous.
Please write one deed for each of these three virtues that you did in the past week, showing how the boy Nanak is teaching you to be like him:
April 30, 2010
Conversation about this article
1: Gur Singh (Boston, MA, U.S.A.), April 30, 2010, 8:43 PM.
I would encourage Veronica to make a group for all the students, and in collaboration with An effort may be made to link the future classes of Sikhi with a RSS thread that goes into kids' and parents' inboxes. This way kids will not miss any of the lessons. Another idea is to have questions answered and grading be done. This may encourage further healthy competitiveness. The best performer can be awarded on Vaisakhi each year with some good gift.
2: Veronica Sidhu (Scotch Plains, New Jersey, U.S.A.), May 04, 2010, 10:00 AM.
Dear Brother Gur Singh: You well know how important the sangat is for spiritual development. It is the energy of Waheguru that infuses and transforms us when we are of one mind and heart. These Sikhi lessons are developed so that sevadaars will be encouraged to gather students together in their own sangat. Spiritual development as well as knowledge are the goals. Students and their teachers will be practicing the lessons in their daily lives and learning to share their progress. There are assignments and and quizzes/ exams to keep the kids on their toes to do their best, but I strongly urge you and other sevadaars to keep "competition" out of the process. Children learn at their own rates and in their own time. Let the assignments and quizzes reflect their levels of achievement. I have generally set the bar high. The bar may be adjusted up or down as need be. May Waheguru bless your efforts.