I Will Not Attend:
Lord Indarjit Singh's Missive to Teji Bindra
Teji Bindra
New York, USA
Dear Tejinder ji,
Sat Sri Akal
Re: Sikh Heritage Arts Gala 2012
I am writing to inform you that I will not be attending the Sikh Arts and Film Festival.
When Dr Narinder Singh Kapany informed me that Sikhs in New York wished to honour me for becoming the first turbaned Sikh in the British Parliament, I agreed.
I was given to understand that it would be at a function of Sikh Heritage Awards. I now learn from the detailed Programme sent me that it is a Festival of Indian Films with dinner and dance in the presence of dignitaries from and representatives of the Indian government.
This festive event coincides with the anniversary of the government planned systematic slaughter and rape of thousands of Sikhs throughout the length and breadth of India following the assassination of Indira Gandhi, commencing with Rajiv Gandhi's broadcast incitement of "khoon ka badla khoon" - "Exact blood for blood". ( An official in Africa recently received a lengthy jail term from the International Criminal Court for lesser incitement).
Ever since 1984, I have campaigned tirelessly for those responsible for this genocide against Sikhs to be brought to justice through articles in the Sikh Messenger , the Journal of Amnesty International, articles in the Times, the Guardian and other British, French, American and Arabic journals and in radio and TV broadcasts. My effort and those of many others for the Indian government to respect civilised norms and bring those responsible to justice have simply fallen on deaf ears.
In the circumstances, I hope you will understand why on the anniversary of this massacre, I cannot join you with your guests from the Indian government. My apologies for any inconvenience.
Kind regards
Dr. Indarjit Singh ( Lord Singh of Wimbledon)
Conversation about this article
1: Pritpal Singh Tib (Utah, USA), October 26, 2012, 8:19 AM.
I am proud of you, Sir! I wish every Sikh on this planet could think and convey the same way. We have suffered on the hands of the people who we thought were our brothers. The world needs to understand that Sikhs are not anti-national, only pro-justice. Thanks.
2: Pritam Singh (New York, USA), October 26, 2012, 8:30 AM.
Now, that's leadership! Thanks, Sardar Sahib. You've shown real sardari! And shame on you, Teji Bindra, for your ignominy. And that too, in my city and in my country! I wish you'd take you and yours to a far away land where spineless, gutless creatures are still welcome. And there you can wallow -- and drown -- in the pittance of dollars you have accumulated, but you are so proud of.
3: Baljinder Kaur (Coventry, United Kingdom), October 26, 2012, 8:43 AM.
A pox on you and your house, Teji Bindra, for using the community's name in this manner. [EDITOR: We understand and appreciate that there is considerable disappointment over Mr Bindra's behaviour and a lot of anger in the community as a result. Let us be more magnanimous, and instead pray that he be blessed with better sense than what he has displayed up till now.]
4: Maninder Kaur (Glasgow, Scotland), October 26, 2012, 8:44 AM.
The good Lord has given you so much, Teji Bindra, and yet, you remain a gutless wonder? What a loser!
5: Arjan Singh (Chandigarh, Punjab), October 26, 2012, 9:11 AM.
You're not of much use to the desis any more, are you, Mr Bindra? Like a pariah dog in the community, much reviled and hated, there won't be much point for them to associate with you in the future, right? Once branded an Uncle Tom, you become utterly useless to the Indians! You didn't think they had befriended you for your talents, your good looks, your money ... or did you?
6: Kirtan Kaur (Illinois, USA), October 26, 2012, 9:15 AM.
Had never heard of you before, Teji Bindra. Hope to never hear your name again, ever. All I know about you now is that you are a silly man.
7: Onkar Kaur (New Jersey, USA), October 26, 2012, 10:39 AM.
Here's what you can do, Mr Bindra: conscript every relative, every brother and sister, every child and grandchild, and get them to come. Then, make sure the Indians recruit every turbaned Sikh they can find in their spheres of activity and influence, and get them to fill up the seats. Give them freebies and promise them free liquor and, no problem, a bunch of nincompoops will show up. Throw a bit of money around, and you'll get a few more to come. Who knows, even allow their names to be used as 'partners'! And then, make sure you have the other cowards in the community join you as well: the Chhatwals and the Kapanys. They never want to miss an opportunity to shake hands and get a picture taken ... with anybody! I see you already have Tarlochan Singh from India. That's a brilliant idea! I see he's the Patron of your organization. And I see he comes to your event every year -- why not, you send him a free ticket each time, don't you? Then, I see you give him a lifetime award -- every year! And I see you're giving him another lifetime award this year! What a stroke of genius! That'll make sure he turns up too. There you go: it'll look like you had a decent crowd on November 2. (What a putz you are, Bindra!)
8: Manpreet Singh (Hyderabad, India), October 26, 2012, 10:52 AM.
Shame on you Teji Bindra....and a salute to Lord Indarjit Singh ji for standing up and showing the world what's a real 'Sardar.'
9: Tejinder Singh (London, United Kingdom), October 26, 2012, 11:06 AM.
I salute you, Lord Singh! We all should stay away from festivals and events organized by these pseudo leaders. Your principled stance will bring more awareness to the injustices of the 1984 Sikh Genocide.
10: Manjit Kaur (Frederick, Maryland, USA), October 26, 2012, 12:02 PM.
Great news! This is what we need ... for our lions to step forward for truthful living, and put the Teji Bindras of this world to shame. Bravo!
11: Jasvir Kaur (London, United Kingdom), October 26, 2012, 12:55 PM.
Lord Indarjit Singh ji has been very consistent on this issue.
12: Harpreet Singh (Delhi, India), October 26, 2012, 3:48 PM.
A dinner and dance party on November 2nd, the anniversary date of the 1984 Sikh genocide 1984, the biggest tragedy of recent times when thousands of innocent Sikhs were butchered all over India? Really absurd.
13: Dr Jagmeet Singh (Muktsar, Punjab), October 26, 2012, 3:59 PM.
Hats off to Sardar / Lord Indarjit Singh who proved what a true Sikh means. May Punjab give birth to many like him ... his simple act is inspirational. You'll see, one day we'll see justice, and that day is not far ...
14: Kanwarjeet Singh (Franklin Park, New Jersey, USA), October 26, 2012, 4:30 PM.
I have written to the Sikh Coalition indicating that unless it withdraws its sponsorship to this event (or till Teji Bindra fixes things at his end) a lot of Sikhs, including myself, will not be sending any donations in for this year and the future. I think a lot of us should go ahead and let these organizations know. Passively, merely posting comments here will not have any impact.
15: Gurteg Singh (New York, USA), October 26, 2012, 5:39 PM.
It is time for SALDEF, United Sikhs and Sikh Coalition to IMMEDIATELY disassociate themselves from this event and show leadership by giving a call to all Sikhs to abstain from attending this event and use their email list to inform the entire community. Otherwise these organizations will taint their credibility with the Sikh nation at this crucial time.
16: N. Singh (Canada), October 26, 2012, 9:23 PM.
Lord Indarjit Singh ji, thank you for restoring my faith in humanity! It is apparent why you were given a Lordship. You are indeed, Sir, a cut above the rest and make us proud!
17: Baldev Singh (Bradford, United Kingdom), October 27, 2012, 9:24 AM.
I agree with Lord Indarjit Singh of Wimbledon. The enemy within is sometimes as dangerous as those at the gates.
18: Harjit Singh (Queens, New York, USA), October 27, 2012, 10:14 AM.
I will not attend! Nor will my family. I cancelled my tickets yesterday. That's a total of US $1200.00 less that will go towards this fiasco.
19: Bhajan Singh Bhinder (Stockton, California, U.S.A.), October 27, 2012, 12:51 PM.
Simply put, THANK YOU, m'Lord!
20: Jaswant Singh (New York, USA), October 27, 2012, 1:55 PM.
Here's an easy out for you, Teji. You can bow out of the corner you've painted yourself into, and not lose face as well. Sandy has come to your rescue. The hurricane will hit New York full force in the coming week. Why wait for it? Simply announce now that, in view of the impending emergency situation, you're cancelling the gala! The desis won't feel slighted. Your dignity will remain intact -- or, at least, the little that's left of it. You might as well take advantage of this life-line that's been thrown to you.
21: Gurmukh Singh (London, United Kingdom), October 28, 2012, 3:52 AM.
Lord Indarjit Singh's firm rejection of this honour is in line with his public position in the United Kingdom. The timing of the festival is mind-bogglingly insensitive! Honouring Indian officials at this event adds further insult.
22: Kanwal Nain Singh (Lindsay, Ontario, Canada), October 28, 2012, 6:36 PM.
Lord Singh of Wimbeldon's declining to attend the celebration at a grossly inappropriate event was a very ppropriate decision. I am also vastly impressed by the response from Sikhs from all over the globe in condemning the unfortunate plans.