Haute Turban!
By DANICA LO and RAAKHEE MIRCHANDANITurbans - they're not just for Sikhs and Mommy Dearest anymore. Following in the footsteps of screen sirens Greta Garbo and Faye Dunaway, Eva Mendes sports a head wrap on the cover of Citizen K magazine this month. Prince wore a turban to the Super Bowl. And Madonna even included one in her new line for H&M.
Famous New York turban wearers include celebrity jeweler Waris Singh Ahluwalia, whose House of Waris line just debuted at Bergdorf Goodman, and posh hotelier Vikram Singh Chatwal, who owns the Dream Hotel.
This spring, the turban trend hits stores in a major way - with Prada and Ralph Lauren both showing pricey ($695 and up), elaborately dyed and bejeweled versions on their runways. The H&M version goes for a more affordable $12.90, in either black or white.
While traditional turbans are single lengthy pieces of cloth wound around the head ... designer versions you can pick up in stores as fashion-wear are like hats and require far less time to don in the morning.
Turban voyeurs can check out to, um, rate turbans on a hot-or-not scale. To learn to tie turbans in traditional Sikh ways, check out the instructional videos at
Courtesy: The New York Post
Photos: Top and thumbnail - Ralph Lauren's version of turban chic on the Spring Fashion Week catwalk. Courtesy:
Bottom - Vikram Singh Chatwal. Courtesy: Robert Maxwell.
Conversation about this article
1: Kate (New York, NY, USA), March 22, 2007, 3:33 PM.
Uhhh. Vikram Chatwal? He may be Sikh, but he wears the turban only for aesthetic purposes. I'm quite sure that's not what it was intended for...
2: Jagmeet Singh (Los Angeles, CA), March 25, 2007, 11:30 PM.
Wow. This is some bull, because the turban is a religious article for Sikhs. Vikram Chatwal is not the best representation of a Sikh, considering the fact that he trims his beard and that is against the Sikh Faith. Looks like Hollywood is trying to plunder yet another culture.
3: Gurvinder (New York, NY, USA), March 25, 2007, 11:49 PM.
Well, I agree with Kate about Vikram. But, my wearing a turban is also partly a fashion statement. Well, why not? I am following my religion and, at the same time, I do wanna flaunt a fashionable turban that goes well with my clothes...
4: Roopinder (Surrey, Canada), March 26, 2007, 1:59 PM.
There is nothing like the turban: it keeps the hair covered, it looks good ... For religious reasons or for for fashion, it's win-win. I recall that a few years ago, while visiting California, a young boy came up to me and asked me: "Hey, where did you get that Crown from?"
5: Amanjot Johal (Birmingham, UK), March 31, 2007, 10:06 AM.
I've always been aware of my turban as being an extension of my look. I find it helps me in my quest to look good, no matter what else I'm wearing. Ready-made turbans defeat the purpose though: the whole point of wearing a turban is that it is a personal experience, and tying it every morning gives you a sense of, well, elation or something ... of being a Sardar! By the way, is Awesome! Just came across it now with this article ... shall definitely be bookmarking your homepage...
6: Bobby Singh (New York, USA), May 15, 2007, 7:34 AM.
I agree with Jagmeet. Vikram Chatwal is not much of an example for our young. To wear the turban only when it favours you, doesn't reveal much pride or responsibility...
7: Karan (Delhi, India), May 15, 2007, 10:55 AM.
I am proud to wear my turban. With it, I look good, I feel good. It keeps me connected with my culture, my tradition, my Guru.
8: Kulbir Singh (Bangkok, Thailand), May 16, 2007, 12:18 AM.
I agree with Karan Singh: I am proud to wear my Turban because it is "Sardaran di Shaan"!
9: J. Singh (U.K.), May 31, 2007, 7:26 PM.
Flippin' hell, in today's times when the turban is associated with terrorism, it's a breath of fresh air to have a turban-wearing icon. It's a step forward for the world to get to know us better. Go there bro! At this point in time, any added awareness is a definite plus - and man, if you can take it further by becoming a true Sikh, then WOW! Good for you.
10: Kamal (London), June 27, 2007, 8:27 AM.
Makes us proud.
11: Mohan (Wales), June 30, 2007, 1:12 PM.
Bravo to Vikram - after all, he's helping put the turban in a positive light, at a time when it has sadly and incorrectly had a negative image because of 9/11.
12: Sukhpreet Singh (London, U.K.), July 12, 2007, 6:27 PM.
A pugree is not a dastaar, and a dastaar is not a pugree. The purpose of each is different and both have a very different history. Pugrees have been worn by many cultures around the world. I would suggest that the dastaar began with Baba Nanak. All I would want to say to Vikram Singh is that he should try and understand that the headgear he wears as a Sikh is not a mere pugree ... and that he needs to live up to the high standards required of a dastaar-wearer.
13: Kanwarjit Singh Dhanjal (Toronto, Canada), August 07, 2007, 8:40 PM.
The ceremony which we do is correctly known as "Dastaar bandhi". It gives me pleasure and pride to wear a turban. Every morning, my colleagues at work especially come over to check out the colour of my turban that day. I like the special attention I get because it, and I'm proud of the identity it bestows on me.
14: Jyoti (New York, U.S.A.), October 02, 2007, 2:15 PM.
Vikram is not helping the Sikh Youth in any respect. What he and an immense number of Sikh youth (esp. males) represent is a shallow and superficial appreciation for Sikhism and its tenets. Sikhism, though many would like to believe otherwise, is not about visual representations of one's faith, but the understanding of community and spirituality. Tattoos with the Khanda and Guru Gobind Singh, along with large displays of bling and the khanda are not "cool" by any means, and do not help to serve the Sikh youth and how they reconcile their spirituality and life outside of India. As a Sikh Youth today, I am on a daily basis disgusted by my fellow Sikh peers and hope that one day many can come to a sincere and honest understanding of why they are Sikh and how they represent that.
15: Sukhjinder (Australia), October 11, 2007, 3:21 AM.
Rab nu aihi ardaas karo ... Nanak naam chardi kalaa, tere bhaane sarbat da bhalla!
16: Guneeta Kapoor (Delhi, India), October 12, 2007, 10:51 AM.
Vikram Chattwal is a bad example for kids. I surely don't want my son to have a beard like his and to wear a turban only while getting married or going to the gurdwara. I'm surprised to see his tatoo of Guru Gobind Singh. His lack of respect for his religion really surprises me.
17: Sandy Kaur (New York, U.S.A.), November 02, 2007, 4:16 AM.
Oh, come on! I agree that Vikram is not a great role model for true Sikhs boys, but at least he is a positive inspiration to those who would have otherwise cut their hair and given up the turban altogether. Give this guy some credit. Some of us are not perfect ...
18: Prabh Singh (Australia), December 02, 2007, 8:26 PM.
I do give this guy his due credit for at least being proud enough for getting photographed as a turban- wearing man. But I doubt his faith in Sikhi itself. A mere turban doesn't a Sikh make ...
19: Guneeta Kapoor (Delhi, India), December 09, 2007, 12:16 PM.
Dear Sandy, I simply cannot see how Chhatwal can be a positive inspiration for kids, any kids. Or anyone else.
20: Onkar Kaur (Rome, Italy), December 01, 2008, 5:31 PM.
I would like to wear a turban in my office, but I live in Italy where people are very conservative. I work for an American company in Rome but my supervisor doesn't want me to wear it. But a turban is not a joke, it's an article of faith, it's a committment, not fashion or chic. I am disappointed when they just put in on for TV or video.
21: Prabhjot Singh Panesar (Amritsar, Punjab), February 19, 2009, 5:25 PM.
Singh is King!
22: Maninder (Yamuna Nagar, India), February 28, 2010, 3:49 PM.
Well, I am a student and I have just started tying a turban and the change I have observed is that it gives me a sense of pride and pleasure, It makes me feel more responsible. On tying a turban, a high level of discipline is induced in our daily life. And I think that discipline is a necessary requirement for a successful life.
23: Ikdeep singh (India), May 02, 2010, 11:27 PM.
Sare Jug wich Punjabiaan da taur wakhra(Y) // Maan apni maa boli da te punjabi houn da ...
24: Gurmeet Singh (India), December 14, 2010, 9:43 PM.
I am proudly a Sikh by birth AND by choice!
25: Jake Peak (New York City, U.S.A.), October 25, 2011, 11:31 PM.
Where can I buy an affordable turban in New York City? Or where can I buy the long material to wrap my own?