Tree of Love
He returns,
She glows.
He rests his head on her breast,
Her fingers enmesh in his beard,
Gratitude fills her, for he’s safe and back in her arms.
“Tell me a story,” he whispers.
“My love, there was a tall tree that stood aloof.
He was part of the flora, and yet not a part of it.
Unbeknown to him, tiny blossoms began to appear.
Their fragrance filled the air.
He was amazed.
The blossoms turned into fruit.
Sun warmed, moon cooled, ripened.
Bounty-laden, he bowed.
Beings from near and far savored the sweet sun-kissed offerings.
Birds from near and far made him their abode.
The tree that once stood tall and aloof,
Now bent, is captivating one and all,” she relates.
“Dearest, you have me confused. I am like a simal (bombax) tree, tall and stiff as an arrow. Birds that visit leave disappointed. The fruit is tasteless; the flowers are nauseating.”
“Hush, my love. When Bhai Lehna was asked to shake the kikar (acacia arabica) tree, he did so without hesitation. The inedible fruit of the tree became sweet and edible, for Guru had graced it. So, are you saying that my simal tree cannot produce sweet fruit? Are you doubting my faith, my love?”
“Dearest, you are biased. You don’t see my flaws, my darkness.”
“My Love, I see your light. I see your aura. I see you. I want the world to see you through my eyes.”
He holds her tight,
She feels his tears flowing on her chest.
She kisses him and whispers, “My love, know that you are blessed.”
* * * * *
Inni Kaur is CEO of the Sikh Research Institute. She is also the author of ‘Journey with the Gurus’ series, ‘Sakhi-Time with Nani ji’, and ‘Thank You, Vahiguru.’
February 20, 2018
Conversation about this article
1: Ajit Singh Batra (Pennsville, New Jersey, USA), February 22, 2018, 2:11 PM.
Going by the general notion of the message, since reference to Bhai Lehna ji (later Guru Angad Sahib) has been made, I would like to point out that Bhai Lehna lived in his early life lived in ritual and superstition. However, his inherent hunger for truth and spirituality lead him to Guru Nanak Sahib, where he was sanctified through a life of devotion, love and discipline. Lehna ji acquired the Spirit and Word of Guru Nanak which transformed him into Guru Angad.