Based in Connecticut, USA, Inni is a community activist and serves on a number of boards of Sikh institutions. She is the author of "Journeys With The Gurus", a popular series of children's books.
The Morning Hukam:
A Meditation
Tuesday, September 23, 2014 INNI KAUR
"Why do you dote on your body so? It shall disperse like a cloud of smoke ..."
The Morning Hukam:
A Meditation
Wednesday, September 10, 2014 INNI KAUR
"The One who sent you has now called you back; return to your home in peace and pleasure..."
Memories Are Strange, Aren’t They?
Home-Made Plum Jam INNI KAUR
When I was 10 years old, I ate home-made plum jam for the first time,
made by my Nani ...
Part II Bhai VIR SINGH [Translated from Punjabi by INNI KAUR]
“With Truth on your side, how can you be alone? Your actions are pure ..."
Part I Bhai VIR SINGH [Translated from Punjabi by INNI KAUR]
The young widow occasionally breaks into sobs. It is her first night of an eternal separation.
The Morning Hukam:
A Meditation
Tuesday, July 2, 2014 INNI KAUR
How can the one who has Your Support be deceived?
1984 Woke Me Up From A Deep Slumber INNI KAUR
Sitting thousands of miles away, I felt every bullet. I experienced a deep, personal loss.
Colors of Creation INNI KAUR
"I see paintings even in my dreams. / I take the plunge and enter into the world of acrylic paints ..."
Inter-Faith Dialogue:
From the Pen of Bhai Vir Singh Translated from Punjabi by INNI KAUR
“Detachment from worldly desires has to be of the mind. It is not necessary for the body to renounce home and family."
The Morning Hukam:
A Meditation
Tuesday, December 17, 2013 INNI KAUR
"The treasure is deep within you; do not search for it on the outside ..."