Based in Hopkinton, Massachusetts, USA, Sarbpreet is a poet and writer, commentator, playwright and an executive in the technology industry. He is the author of "Kultar's Mime," an epic poem on the 1984 pogroms.
Bodhidharma Singh:
Ratinder Paul Singh Ahuja of Silicon Valley SARBPREET SINGH
Sikh. American. Entrepreneur. Philanthropist. Tae Kwon Do Master. Qigong practitioner.
The Beauty of the Punjaban SARBPREET SINGH
"They know not the iron in your soul / They know not of your spine of steel ..."
A Precious Lesson Across the Divide SARBPREET SINGH
Stories of our Sikh ancestors who walked these very streets a hundred years ago.
Rejecting Litost,
Embracing Chardi Kala SARBPREET SINGH
His jaw was broken. He too could have felt ‘litost’. His words, however, smacked of something else.
Blissful Endeavor SARBPREET SINGH
I am quietly advised to not put the bride’s father on the spot ...
The Melody Maker of Jalandhar:
He has a faraway look in his eyes as he talks ...
The Quest for Justice Continues:
US Court Asks -- Was Sonia Gandhi Complicit in the Crimes After the Fact? SARBPREET SINGH
Today’s torturers and murderers resemble 18th century pirates ...
How Dare You Villify Her Who Begets Kings? SARBPREET SINGH
"Of woman you are born; in woman you are formed; woman you seek as your mate ..."
The Birth of a Revolution ... Remembered: Diaspora Diaries SARBPREET SINGH
I strongly encourage our readers to travel to Astoria on October 4/5, 2013.
Of the People ... By the People,
But Not Quite For All the People SARBPREET SINGH
"The growth in Gross National Product seems rather hollow ..."