Incredible India:
Two Jokes, Two Reactions
Poem & Cartoons by VISHAVJIT SINGH
Incredible India!
That's the official slogan
So let me give you
An incredible example
On the last day of October
In the year 1984
Indira Gandhi fell
To her bodyguards' bullet spell
Hell broke loose
Revenge was in the news
Sikh men were hunted
As mobs grunted
Fire was the main weapon
Kerosene its deathly maiden
Thousands burnt alive
To ashy delight
Nation mourned
Its downed tyrant
Sikhs cried 'Justice!'
But the guilty escaped
That's how life just is
Except one named Kishori Lal
With an amazing tale
He literally hacked Sikh men
Not one
Not Two
Not Three
... On and On
Cut them into pieces
In front of little kids
So it was justice
When he got convicted
Sentenced to death seven times
Amazingly by lower courts
But there is justice
Even for those convicted
Supreme Court of India
Commuted death to life terms
Had enough?
Well, not quite
Sentence Review Board
Recommended Kishori's release
Based on good conduct
Oh, please!
Lieutenant Governor agreed
Ordered the butcher released
Victims families screamed
For now the stay is freezed
What can I say
It's a joke!
A joke like
Jay Leno's?
Truly, it is
Incredible, India!
February 19, 2012
Conversation about this article
1: Balbir Arora (Los Angeles, California, U.S.A.), February 19, 2012, 6:55 AM.
Mera Bharat mahaan, Saarey beyeemaan ...
2: Sukhwinder Singh (Ajitgarh, Punjab), February 21, 2012, 5:11 AM.
I agree with you, Vishavjit Singh: the Indian Ministers and diplomats who were so much excited with Jay Leno's joke, why are they mum on the release of the Butcher of Trilokpuri? Yeah, crocodile tears indeed. Also strange that those amongst us who were clamouring about Jay Leno all over the internet and the "courts", now have nothing to say about this joke being played out in New Delhi.